Organizer: Galitz photography school

Israel Photography Conference 2017

We are proud to invite you as our guests to the biggest photo event that will be held at the Culture Hall in Tel Aviv. This is the 12th conference that the Glitz Group produces with the goal of promoting the photography community in Israel with an enriching and inspiring event. In addition to the lecture event, there will be a huge fair of all importers and photography brands with exclusive benefits for participants.

Photography convention will take place on 13.11 at Bat Aviv Culture Hall.

2,500 guests!

6 leading lecturers from around the world!

Enriching and fascinating lectures!

* A huge photo fair includes importers and brands with exclusive benefits of up to 50% discount and lots of raffles with a total prize value of over NIS 30,000.

For more details

* Please note the amount of tickets is limited *