Sveta Butko

My name is Sveta Butko and I’m a self-taught professional fine art portrait photographer based in Israel.

In 2010 I graduated from Moscow Architectural Institute with PhD degree and had started an architect career. In 2016 when my third child was born photography came into my life. I captured my kids’ everyday life and a tender bond between kids and animals on the farm where my boy did horse therapy.

I believe that photography has an amazing power and ability to change the world. The expression of tender, deep, sometimes innocent, sometimes complicated feelings can give people relief and hope.

Now my works are published both in local and international press, showed on book covers of bestselling authors, exhibited at local and international fairs, featured in Vogue Italia and Canon Russia.

I’ve been invited to judge international photo contests and held more than 50 local and international workshops and lectures. My students win international photo awards.

I also continue my research of photography perception laws’ impact on feelings and emotions and organize charity photography projects.

I work with private and commercial clients, give group and individual workshops. You can see my works HERE.

For booking a photoshoot, a photography workshop or for any other questions and suggestions, please, feel free to contact me through the CONTACT FORM or by whatsapp +972-52-6440788.

Book covers